Established 1878
Affiliated to the Council For The Indian School Certificate Examination New Delhi for ICSE/ISC Examinations vide code: PU004

- Datesheet Final Terminal February/March 2025
- Datesheet first Terminal Examination Sep 2024
- School will reopen tomorrow i.e. July 8th,2024
- Notice regarding the submission of the fee concession application
- Summer Holidays Homework 2024
- ICSE & ISC RESULT 2023-2024
- Book List For The Session 2024-2025
- Datesheet Final Terminal February 2024 ( For Classes Nur To 9th & 11th)
- Date Sheet For Pre-Board Exams January 2024
- Winter Vacations Holiday Homework 2023-24
About Us
History and Objectives
The present Baring Educational Complex had its beginning in the Baring High School which was founded on 1st April, 1878 by The Reverend Francis Henry Baring, a missionary representing the Church Missionary Society of England, and with the efforts of the Indian Christian Community. Its purpose was to impart education to those who badly needed it but could not afford it, thereby contributing to the upward mobility of the surrounding community. In 1884, Miss Charlotte Maria Tucker with her personal resources established a co-educational school. In honour of Miss Tucker, the School was called “The Plough” and later came to be popularly known as “ALOE” (A Lady of England) School. In 1934, the latter merged with the Baring High School. The Baring High School was then raised to the status of a College in 1944 as Baring Christian College. The Baring School was re-established by Dr. Ram Singh, Principal BUCC, and is permanently affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi since 1973. The School imparts quality education in English to children from the Nursery to Class XII (Upgraded to ISC in 2016 ), preparing them as award winning scholars for quality education at College level, and for consideration specially by the Baring Union Christian College in the future. On completing, the ISC (Plus 2) students are accepted on a preferential basis in University programmes of Medicine, Engineering, Sciences, Humanities and commerce.
Baring School was established and administered by the Baring Union Christian College Association, a charitable non-profit educational society, registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860, with its headquarters at Batala, Punjab.
History of Batala
The town of Batala was founded by Ram Deo , who had a large estate near the town of Kapurthala. During the reign of Bahlo Khan Lodhi, when his land became waterlogged due to excessive rain and floods , he approached Bahlo Khan Lodhi for the grant of equivalent piece of land in exchange for his waterlogged piece . Bahlo Khan Lodhi accepted his request and granted him a piece of land around the present town Batala.
Before he left Kapurthala to occupy this area , Ram Deo Bhatti became a disciple of Sheikh Mohammad Qadiri and embraced Islam. First ,he selected a location about three miles to east of Batala for his residence , but because of the advice of his astrologers who considered this location in auspicious he shifted to present location in 1465 , where he built a small fort for himself.He named the place Batala , derived from the Punjabi word ” VATTA” or “BATTA” meaning exchange . The present town of Batala grew around his mud palace.
Chairman’s Message
Education has always been a very potential and vibrant force in human resource development. Only kindered and ignited minds can compete and contribute to holistic progress of society and country at large. The well-natured and intrinsically as well as extrinsically developed young men and scholars can prove to be valuable gems of the nation. Also, equally true is the fact that well balanced, updated and secular education and young learners are mandatory for any society and culture. Education at any level and in any of the discipline requires commitment both from students and faculty. What it makes to survive in world is dedication, determination, diligence and zeal to excel. My effort would therefore to be provided a learning environment that maximizes the educational environment facilities and concinuously improving educational and institutional facilities and resources so that Baring school’s contribution in teaching and development socially responsible citizens touch a new pinnacle of success. May this new year usher in an era of happiness, joy and prosperity to all of you.
Rev. Ayub Daniel
Chairman Baring School
Manager's Message
I am feeling proud to greet Baring school staff and children of Batala (Gsp) and Jandialaguru (Asr) and rest of the world who are navigating this website , my warm prayerful best wishes and choicest showers of blessings from the almighty God to you all.
I was enquiring from some of the parents that why they have chosen Baring school for their wards and children, Their quick and spontaneous response was that they could not find another school like Baring school, known for its name, fame and good repute. Further they said that it is one of the best and oldest school of Punjab, especially known for academic, curricular,
co-curricular and extra curricular activities combined with the flavour of discipline, devotion and dedication with which the management and teaching faculty is committed to take care the welfare of the students. The School campus is surrounded by lush green grass, mango trees, and flowers blended an echo friendly peaceful atmosphere in the heart of Batala. It has massive play grounds with indoor and out door sports facilities.
Former president of India,”.Mr Abdul Kalam “Dreams are not those you get when you sleep, but dreams are those that don’t let you sleep” i.e. for ages people never noticed apple falling But surprisingly, Isaac Newton did so and he discovered the law of gravity. Christopher Columbus charted a course in an unknown ocean and Thomas Edison the idea of electric bulb .The great monument of the centuries – Taj Mahal and Eiffel tower were built on the plains of India and Paris. Hilary and Tensing Norgay scaled the Himalayan mountains to reach the top of the Everest. Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. Hence one can develop the skills to answer all the queries of life and the sky is the limit.
Baring School has been to encourage and prepare our students, in every way to face the difficult challenges of today, boldly and whole heartedly.
Dr. Derick Engles
Hon. Manager Baring School
Principal's Message
The School believes in providing top-quality education coupled with holistic growth of a child and aims to create a successful global citizen. Therefore, education has to be all-encompassing. To borrow a definition from Albert Einstein “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one learned at school, Every school is imparting knowledge to students, but knowledge is limited — it is imagination that circles the world”. The system of education is very traditional in the Indian context; traditional schools like ours take pride in our values and ethos and draw their nourishment deeply rooted in its glorious past, which is vulnerable to stagnation.
Our real need is for the wisdom that comes as a gift of God’s grace, to unveil vistas of understanding and knowledge. It is only in some schools like ours that you get an education in the true sense of the word. We can forget the lessons, we can forget Ohm’s Law and Hamlet’s speech, but what we learn outside the classroom is something we do not ever forget. The values thus inculcated last forever. Little things like the early morning bell, respecting your teachers and the camaraderie one learns on the field, though not in the school books, form the text of a chapter in the book of life.
It is this education that keeps you ahead of others. And I assure all the parents that in times to come we will continue this journey with all the elevated enthusiasm and with determination to provide a platform of comprehensive learning to the young generation of learners.
May the Lord continue to bless you and your children and the entire Baring School be upheld by our Lord and Creator who has created human beings and human potentials in his own image.
May good God bless you all !!
Abhishek Mitchell

Our Beloved Founders

Sir Rev. Francis Henry Baring

Madam Miss Charlottee Maria Tucker

Dr. Ram Singh
Present Directionship

The Most Revd. (Dr.) Pradeep Kumar Samantaroy
Chairman, Baring Union Christian College Association

Rev. Ayub Daniel
Baring School Mangement Committee

Dr. Derick Engles
Hon.Manager Baring School